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It happened in a place, where millions of cubical kilometers of ice extend instead of land and water, and the strength of the fierce wind is capable to scuttle all the bravery and courage of a person, who stepped on the territory of the infinitely frozen land. In the depths of the glaciers exposed to the swirls of the windstorms and blizzards, the crystal-clear vodka ICE CLAW appeared.


Heavy footsteps confidently step on slippery ice. Hot breath steam spreads in the air into thousands of tiny drops, they turn into ice and fall. No fear or anxiety, only confidence. A huge block of ice appears in front of us, but you don't need a sword to cut it. Strong hands touch the ice floe and it melts.
Only ICE CLAW and wind stay.

The combination of fire and icy calm brings the horizons closer. An iron will overcomes any storm. ICE CLAW is a modern saga about inner strength.

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First sip — melting of the glacier.
At first — scalding frosting, and then — pleasantly warming and immersive. This is the argental filtration.

The second sip — a deeper taste. The taste of the cold wind. These are shades of anise and mint, shrouded in not excessively sweet honey.


ICE CLAW vodka with an ice cube in a glass is an ideal mixology. It is this vision that reveals the character and all the shades of taste of ICE CLAW.

Of course, ICE CLAW vodka is also great as part of cocktails of various styles.